The last blog outlined that a very deep hole was being dug and I promised to update you with progress. Thanks to a very kind and extremely generous friend and supporter ( Lanie) we have been able to have funded new additional toilets at both the Orphanage of Hope School and beside the boys accomodation at the Orphanage . I affectionally call Lanie , LLL …Lanie the Loo Lady…( Loo being the slang for toilet) . When you have close to 190 people using only 2 or 3 long drops …it was becoming a very desperate health issue that our lovely Lanie responded to over and above her very generous monthly support.
We are so grateful to the very small number of people who regularly give each month by automatic payment , as well as an equally small number who are spontaneous givers who give when able or give when there is a specific call out from me.
Case in point 5 people who responded to a call to underwrite United States $1060 .00 for a critical operation that Cogan desperately needs. So thank you NP, LD, LW, DW and KD who have responded to this desperate need. Cogan gets operated on the 10th March , only days away, he is very very weak and would have died without intervention. Cogan is a vital link in everything that is going on at the OOH and to see this once vibrant , physically fit man reduced to a mere shell of his former self is heart breaking. Thank you for the many who keep him as well as Medius and all the children , teachers and workers in your thoughts and prayers.
If our readers are able , can you share with others the work we do , we would love to have more people on board giving whatever they are able to, as things are very tough in so many ways.
We are a charity that gives 100% of every donation to the orphanage and every dollar is used with great frugalness and wisdom. We are a charity registered in both New Zealand and Uganda , have registration to operate both a school and Orphanage as well as having IRD donee status for donations originating in NZ.
I am told the toilets will be completed by the end of March and Medius tells me they are much much better than the toilets in the Government funded schools. Our workers take great pride in their craftsmanship and skills. 👏🏻👏🏻
Naturally as soon as there is more to tell I will tell you …..
Stay Blessed and thank you so much 🥰👍🏻🙏🏽
Lindsay and Dalaine.
