Thank you for the many people who have asked about Cogans health. He is still struggling with stomach ulcers , which requires on going medicines and hospital visits.
He sadly is still very weak and is often bedridden. He certainly appreciates your prayers.
Medius is flourishing with the extra responsibity including talking to me daily and her written English and being able to understand this Kiwi is quite exceptional.
Last update I talked about the two major projects for January and both have been completed. The first project involved Planting including Sorghum, Cabbages, Short Beans, Climbing Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Irish Potatoes, Peas, Tomatoes and Carrots.
We are so grateful to the wonderful women workers who toil for hours in very warm conditions, to weed, then plant then harvest so that our orphans will stay alive.
Then we also have to worry about Rodents, pests and thieves and insects to ensure the crops are not going to be a failure.( Setting Traps , spraying ,Security watches )
The second project involved making more desks for the children at the school ( Hope Education Centre)
In the past the younger children were having to sit on dirt floors , now they can sit on wooden desks / seats. It has made their life so much easier ( and comfortable) We thank the Trinity Church Ladies from Temuka so much for their contribution in making this happen. The Orphans as you can see in the photos are very happy.
Our third project involves digging some serious holes...but I am not telling you much more until the next time I write.
Thank you for all your support and donations. Without them it would be impossible to continue this amazing ministry.
Until the next time... be blessed in all you do.
Lindsay Walker