The Orphanage of Hope is home to over 180 orphans on the outskirts of Kabale, Uganda. In 2018, Make My Name Count came on board to assist with the welfare of children and opportunities for the orphange to be able to support itself.
As well as child sponsorship which has provided clothing, bedding and medication for the children, Gardens of Hope has been establised to provide better nutrician for the children with the plan to sell surplus produce. Plans to expand the onsite school and a Safari-business enterprise are also in the making.

The town of Kakuuto, South-West Uganda is one of the most impoverished areas in the world. Lying on swamp land, conditions are harsh and disease is rampant. Much help has been provided in the way of micro-enterprise businesses and a Bakehouse which employs 18 staff and has continuuing benefits in the community. This has been a huge success as the community has risen above hardship. There are many other areas of focus including the medical centre, church and community centre.