Orphanage of Hope
Uganda Non Profit
How Contributions Help Orphanage of Hope
Orphanage of Hope in Kabale Uganda is a new start for children who live in poverty.
Orphanages can be among the saddest places for children. To grow up without the love of parents and family is a difficult thing to bear. When those who are helped by missions and non-profit organisations, those children grow up to slowly forget their tragic start in life and want to make a difference themselves. It drives them to put an end to the pain, and suffering poverty. The great majority of the orphans at the Orphanage of Hope have lost both parents through AIDS often because of tainted blood through Blood transfusions. Others have lost parents through Road Accidents, Malaria, Pneumonia, Dysentery, Tuberculosis as well as many other reasons. Some were simply abandoned on the side of the road and left to die. NO child deserves that.
Before, in the former building besides Lake Bunyonyi, life was tragic. Malaria, other illnesses, lack of food, poor hygiene, poor clothing... it was the recipe for an Humanitarian Disaster.
Through relocation, a larger building (three) a complete overhaul of how things operate, food production, currently total home schooling (before the Hope Education Centre is built) the orphanage is taking on a whole new life... but there are several major issues still to address... They include Water Quality, Water Storage, Illness prevention and Fire Wood Burning Alternatives, all achievable but we do need support of many.
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